Monitoring is a hot topic to housing corporations who deploy “net-zero-energy” houses in the Netherlands. They deal with different systems that do not communicate well with each other. Even more important is that that these systems not always deliver what has been promised.
The housing corporations do miss the data proving the investment in home renovation is paying off. Furthermore, due to data inconsistency and lack of quality, the levy of the energy performance fee can go wrong.
To support the housing corporations, the “Stroomversnelling” has developed a new standard for integrated monitoring systems called the Energy Performance Monitoring Standard.
As one of the first providers, ABB and Enervalis received their certificate on the “Vakbeurs Energie” in ‘s Hertogenbosch. This joined offering holds ABB’s Smart Energy Management (SEM) module together with the Smartpower Suite© software of Enervalis.
From now on, housing corporations, suppliers and installers can rely on consistent and correct data through our standardized monitoring system.
For more information about the Energy Performance Monitoring Standard, please refer to the following website: